My Wardrobe Makeover Update and the Revelation That’s Changing My Entire Business


8 weeks ago, I made a public declaration that I was going to makeover my own wardrobe in 45 days. I mapped out a plan, put small, bite-sized action steps on my calendar, and got to work.

→ Spoiler alert: Things did NOT go as planned. 

In reflecting on what I accomplished and where I fell short, I realized that I was suffering from the same #1 challenge you are. So I got to work on a solution and the answer I came up with is going to change everything! 

Fill up your mug and settle in as I give you an inside look at my own wardrobe makeover update and the major revelation that’s going to make building a wardrobe you love more doable than EVER.

My Wardrobe Makeover Plan

Click here to view my complete 45-day wardrobe makeover plan.

I did everything right. I set the goal to makeover my wardrobe in 6 weeks, by the time we returned from our annual family beach trip. I planned bite-sized action steps to complete in less than 30-minutes per day and built in at least one catch-up day per week.

Everything started out well. I retook my Personal Style Quiz and updated my Pinterest Style Mood Board. I updated my Personal Color Palette and choose a new palette for my brand. I audited and reorganized my entire closet and drawers. I set the top priority on my fall shopping list: underwear. (Exciting, I know.)

I was on a roll and then… the train came off the tracks.

Where I Fell Short

Life happened and I got distracted. This was an important project to me, but then my husband turned 40, we had some sickness in our house, and I ran out of steam. I didn’t design my fall capsule or do any shopping. I didn’t update my outfit library to prepare for next season.

So what happened? Let’s pause on that for a second.

The Capsule Wardrobe Appeal

I was looking at my podcast stats recently and I realized my most downloaded episode is #1 by a landslide. In fact, it’s been downloaded 25% more times than the second most popular episode. 

Do you know what the topic is? Capsule Wardrobes 101

Do you know why I think that is? Capsule wardrobes are often this dreamy concept we don’t believe we could ever really have. Sure, you see influencers posting their seasonal capsule outfits. And you’ve followed the bloggers that talk about which 33 pieces you need to own and how you can make hundreds of outfit combinations out of them.

But is that REALLY possible for YOU?

You want to streamline your wardrobe, but where do you start? What do you get rid of? What should you buy?

You don’t know how to build a capsule wardrobe, really! Maybe you listen to this podcast and you take copious notes. But have you started implementing what you’ve learned?

Let me tell you 3 things you need to build a wardrobe you LOVE We can leave out the capsule terminology for now, because I know some people get hung up on that term and you might wonder whether you’ve stumbled onto a minimalist podcast (you haven’t). So let’s just say for argument’s sake, a capsule wardrobe is just a well-curated, cohesive collection of clothing and accessories that mix and match effortlessly.

We can all get down with that, right?

  • We want less, but better pieces to choose from.
  • And having the ability to maximize what’s in our closets.
  • Don’t even get me started on the dreaminess of having the perfect outfit for every occasion on your calendar!
  • Or the confidence that every carefully chosen piece in your collection looks incredible on you.

That’s what I MEAN when I say “a wardrobe you love”.

3 Things You Need For Your Capsule Wardrobe


Nothing has ever been created without starting as an idea. As with anything, your capsule wardrobe will not come together without a vision.

If you want your closet to function in the most effective way, you need to dial-in your signature style, find out what flatters your figure, and choose a cohesive color palette.

Once you’ve locked in these foundations, you’ll begin to see a clearer picture of how you want your capsule to look and feel. You’ll know, with confidence, what you need to bring it to life. And then the fun can really begin!

Capsule wardrobes DON’T need to be basic or boring. Listen to my #1 podcast episode if you’re not convinced. You can play with color, texture, and pattern! You can bring in elegant accessories, creative details, and dramatic statement shoes! You can make it your own and make it work for you!

But remember, it all starts with a clear vision. If you don’t know where you’re going, it’ll be really hard to get there.


Without a strategic plan to get from point A (which would be your current closet) to point B (the vision you have for your dream capsule wardrobe), you’re likely to waste a LOT of time and money you don’t have. 

Now, I had a vision. I know which styles are going to work and feel authentic for me right now. I know my best colors and updated my palette.  I’m confident in how to dress my body.  And I have a very clear vision of what I want my wardrobe to look and feel like this season!  

And I had a solid strategy for making over my wardrobe in 45-days. In fact, it was the same strategy I’ve used successfully with my clients for the past 16 years: 

I revisited my Foundations of style, fit, and color.

I did my Wardrobe Planning and audited what was in my closet, came up with my shopping list, and set my priorities… Underwear season! WOOHOO!

I know the final step is Shopping + Styling: buying what I need and putting it all together.

Vision + Strategy: ✓

Why I Was Unsuccessful

But do you know what I was missing?  What the reason was that my plan fell apart when I was honestly kinda close to the end of the project? I was in the home stretch!  And it fell apart because I didn’t have the #3 thing you need:


I had ZERO accountability on this project! I may be an Image Consultant and I’ve been doing this for a long time, but I have the same challenges as you. I get busy. The goals I set out to accomplish, whether it’s making over my wardrobe or improving my watercolor skills or reading the Bible in a year DO NOT HAPPEN without accountability!

You know what they say about the best laid plans… They often go awry.  

That’s where I found myself a few weeks ago.  I really wanted to get this done 100% and I made my way through about 70% of it. 

I’m human. It’s okay. I’m not beating myself up about it. In fact, I actually feel like this was an incredible gift. Because it really got me thinking in a new way about what I do.

You see, I have the system. I have the education and the steps and the client success rate.  But since I revamped my business to work with people virtually, I’ve only been offering you 70% of the solution.

The Revelation That’s Changing My Entire Business

I’ve had my Wardrobe Refresh Program, which is a DIY course and I walk you through my 3-step system of getting clear on your Foundations, Wardrobe Planning, and Shopping & Styling.  It’s very simple.  My clients learn so much and getting dressed becomes a million times easier for them.  

And the hardest piece to teach, especially virtually, is color.  So of course, I also have my Personal Color Palette service where I personally, hand-curate a palette of your 35 best colors for clothing, cosmetics, and accessories so we can eliminate all the guesswork and you can feel confident shopping for colors that bring out your best.

Plus, there was a bundle option to save and get both: the color palette and the training program. 

In taking this on over the past several weeks and stalling out, I realized: IT IS NOT ENOUGH.

You need BOTH of these services in order to get the results you want, which is buying less, shopping smarter, and building a wardrobe you LOVE. And do you know what you need, maybe more than that?

Accountability.  Coaching.  Guidance.  Encouragement.  Support.

Aside from my 1:1 clients over the past 2 years, that MASSIVE, essential component has been missing.

And I miss it!!  I want to know each of my clients personally.  I want to know what your goals are.  I want to hear about where you’re getting stuck and what your challenges are.  I want to help you get in there and tackle that closet audit and do it together over a few laughs and virtual high fives!  I want to see what you’re envisioning for your capsule and help you refine that to ensure it works with what’s on your calendar and how you want to be seen.  I want to be part of the process with you and hold you accountable to seeing it though 100%, not 70% or 30% or 10% or even 99%.  

I want you to get 100% of the results you came for when you partner up with me to makeover your wardrobe. THAT IS MY JOB.  Not yours.  I mean, yes, you need to show up and you need to be willing to do the work.  I can’t do it for you.  

But it is my job to walk you step-by-step through this framework and offer you feedback and support every step of the way.  

So this incomplete project was an enormous blessing, because recognizing this challenge that we ALL face and feeling the fire to do something about it is changing everything about my business.

For starters, I’m shutting down the Wardrobe Refresh Program.  There is no more DIY option.  Because I know you won’t DIY – DO IT!  Not to 100% completion and not in the most efficient and effective way.  I’m not saying my students didn’t get massive results in that program or that you can’t do this without me.  I’m saying I don’t want you to have to.  I don’t want you to struggle for one second when I know I could give you even 30 seconds of my time and feedback to reassure you that you’ve got this and you’re on the right track or maybe try this accessory or that styling trick instead.  Why would I NOT want to be part of your process and give you that level of support?

I’ve actually kind of hated being on the sidelines and not being fully on the pulse of where each student is at inside that program.  So we’re changing everything.  If you had your eye on joining the Wardrobe Refresh Program, I have something better for you.

HER Style Collective

The doors are officially open to HER Style Collective, an interactive group coaching program to help you buy less, shop smarter, and build a wardrobe you love in 90 days. 

The first round of this program is kicking off on September 14th and by the holiday season, you will have walked through that 3-step process we talked about, of knowing exactly which styles, colors, prints, and silhouettes look best on you. You’re going to audit, organize, and locate the gaps in your existing wardrobe. You’re going to find out how to maximize what you have and buy less, but better. You’ll know where to shop, what to buy, and how to put outfits together. You’re going to STOP second guessing yourself about to wear! And you’re going to have me there, handing you a fully customized Personal Color Palette, with my eyes on your progress, giving you feedback every single week on our live group style coaching calls, AND you’re going to be doing this in a Collective, with a group of women who are working towards the same goal. 

You will not be alone.  You will not have to waste time and money trying to figure out how to revamp your wardrobe. You will NOT be hiding out.  Because I am going to be checking in on you each week and offering encouragement and tracking your goals with you!

I am SO excited about this program.  I’m thrilled to finally bring you the solution I know you’ve been wanting and hoping for and maybe not sure it exists.  It does!  It’s here!  You can go get all of the details and reserve your spot right now. Click here to learn more!

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