The Step-By-Step Plan I’m Using To Makeover My Wardrobe In 45 Days as a Busy Mom


If you’ve been feeling frustrated with your wardrobe lately, you might be overwhelmed at the thought of actually doing something about it. But the process of updating your style or giving your closet a full-on makeover is EXCITING! It really is like opening a new chapter in your life. And it can be simple, fun, and fast. 

What would you say if I told you you can makeover your wardrobe, top to bottom, over the course of about 6 weeks devoting less than 30-minutes a day?  Listen friend, I don’t have a ton of time to pour into this project right now either. But it is a top priority for me and I realized the only way to make it happen was to come up with a plan and stick to it. So I did all the work for you (and for myself!) and created a totally doable, step-by-step roadmap to makeover my wardrobe in the next month and a half. I invite you to join me.

We can talk about revamping our wardrobes or we can take action. You can research and learn all the things to do to get dressed with confidence but if you don’t implement what you learn, you won’t experience any real and lasting change. 

So grab a pen and a sheet of paper and get ready to take some notes. Because I’m about to walk you through my exact, step-by-step plan to makeover my wardrobe in 45-days in less than 30-minutes per day as a busy, working mom.

Week 1: Dial-In Your Signature Style

Day 1: Take my Free 5-Minute Personal Style Quiz (5 min)

Day 2: Create a new Pinterest style mood board (30 min)

Day 3: Add to and edit new Pinterest style mood board (30 min)

Day 4: Break

Day 5: Evaluate my top 10 go-to pieces and define my style values (20 min)

Day 6: Journal my style goals vs. my style needs (15 min)

Week 2: Flatter Your Figure + Discover Your Best Colors

Day 7: Take my updated body measurements (5 min)

Day 8: Break or research how to flatter your silhouette, proportions, and scale

Day 9: Update my personal color palette (2-3 hours)

Day 10: Choose new brand palette (1 hour) or choose a palette for your capsule wardrobe

Day 11: Break

Week 2-3: Complete a Seasonal Closet Audit

Day 12: Seasonal Closet Audit ─ lingerie (20 min)

Day 13: Seasonal Closet Audit ─ bathing suits + cover-ups (10 min)

Day 14: Seasonal Closet Audit ─ athletic wear + tees (20 min)

Day 15: Seasonal Closet Audit ─ sweatshirts + sleepwear (20 min)

Day 16: Break

Day 17: Seasonal Closet Audit ─ dresses (30 min)

Day 18: Seasonal Closet Audit ─ tops (30 min)

Day 19: Seasonal Closet Audit ─ bottoms (30 min)

Day 20: Seasonal Closet Audit ─ shoes (20 min)

Day 21: Seasonal Closet Audit ─ accessories (30 min)

Week 4: Post-Audit Inventory + Create Closet Essentials Checklist

Day 22: Break

Day 23: Take my post-audit inventory (30 min)

Day 24: Make a plan for giving away unwanted clothing (30 min)

Day 25: Create my Closet Essentials Checklist (30 min)

Day 26: Break

Day 27: Look at my 3-month calendar + wardrobe needs (30 min)

Week 5: Dream Capsule Design + Set Seasonal Budget + Create My Shopping List

Day 28: Design my dream capsule (30 min)

Day 29: Continue designing my dream capsule (30 min)

Day 30: Finalize my dream capsule (30 min)

Day 31: Break 

Day 32: Create my seasonal shopping list (30 min)

Day 33: Set my seasonal shopping budget (15 min)

Day 34: Prioritize my shopping list + allocate funds (30 min)

Day 35: Break

Week 6: Shopping!

Day 36: Create a seasonal window shopping Pinterest board (30 min)

Day 37: Add to and edit my window shopping Pinterest board (30 min)

Day 38: Add to and edit my window shopping Pinterest board (30 min)

Day 39: Add to and edit my window shopping Pinterest board (30 min)

Day 40: Make shopping selections and purchases! (30 min)

Day 41: Break

Week 7: Outfit Styling + Seasonal Outfit Library

Day 42: Start a new seasonal Pinterest outfit library (30 min)

Day 43: Add to and edit my seasonal Pinterest outfit library (30 min)

Day 44: Add to and edit my seasonal Pinterest outfit library (30 min)

Day 45: Finalize my seasonal Pinterest outfit library (30 min)

That’s it, my friend! You did it! If you’ve followed this plan along with me, you’ll have completely made over your wardrobe in 45-days. Take this time to celebrate, reflect on your progress, and wrap up and final loose ends.

This is not a secret formula. It’s the exact, step-by-step process I teach inside my Wardrobe Refresh Program!

This system will work for you no matter your calendar, cash flow, or clothing size. And you can reapply it through the ebbs and flows of your life and use it to ensure your wardrobe is keeping up with the changes in your body, your lifestyle, your tastes and preferences. This is not investing in a personal shopper for a season. It’s investing in the knowledge you need to look stylish season after season, so you can do this yourself with me in your corner. Click here to learn more and join me in this process!


Free 5-Min Personal Style Quiz 

HER Style Blog 

HER Style Podcast on Instagram

Guide To Creating Your Own Closet Essentials Checklist

Wardrobe Refresh Program


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