Is there a color you LOVE but have a hard time pulling off confidently?
For me, it’s vibrant, canary yellow. This hue brings me all the happy feels. But it’s definitely not my best. You can see how jarring it is paired next to my own Personal Color Palette below.

The good news? There are tons of ways to wear ANY color well, even if it’s not the most flattering for you. Let’s look at 7 ways to wear any color you want with confidence right now…

It’s most helpful to wear your best colors near your face and your more challenging favorites elsewhere. For this reason, try limiting less harmonious hues to the lower half of your outfit, away from your face. Pants or a skirt will usually do the trick!
2. Add a pop with your accessories.

Add a small touch of your favorite, but not-so-flattering colors in accessories and jewelry. From belts and bracelets to hair clips and headbands, there are endless ways to incorporate the whole rainbow into your wardrobe.

Prints offer an easy way to surround yourself with colors that look incredible on you mixed with a subtle nod to your less flattering faves. Again, try to keep any questionable colors to a minimum or make sure the print placement is farther away from your face.
4. Alter your makeup to make it work.
My complexion is naturally a neutral pink-peach so in order to wear canary yellow well, it would help to warm things up with my makeup. In this case, I’d layer on a golden bronzer, an apricot colored blush, and finish my face with a bright, orange-pink pout similar to this gorgeous Gigi Hadid look.

You can do the same by opting for warmer or cooler tones and creating a level of vibrancy to match bolder hues that might otherwise overpower you.

Nail polish is such a fun way to try on an endless parade of colors! Your nails (both fingers and toes) are such tiny areas of your body, you can feel free to go wild with hues here. It won’t detract from your personal coloring, but simply packs an unexpected color punch. If you want to keep things even subtler, apply less flattering options as a small detail, like your tips or in a nail art design.
6. Try a statement shoe or handbag.

There’s no greater investment in your wardrobe than statement making handbags and shoes, my friend! Whether you opt for all-over saturation or a simple detail, these far-away-from-your-face accessories are perfect places to branch out with a playful pop of color.

A similar concept to tip number 3, topping your not-so-great colors with your very best hues is a great way to diffuse any ill-flattering color side-effects.
Not sure what your best colors are? I can help.
Through my most popular service, I’ll provide you with a fully customized palette of your 35 best colors for clothing, cosmetics, accessories, personal branding, interior design, and more!
Once you have this base palette that’s centered around your unique personal colors, personality, and preferences, you can much more easily expand your wardrobe to include other harmonious hues.
For example, thanks to my own color palette, I know my best yellows fall in the champagne category. Rather than putting extra effort in to make canary yellow work, I often opt for soft, buttery hues like these from the start…

This is my absolute favorite service to offer, because I’ve seen the instant impact it makes on my clients’ confidence around shopping, getting dressed, and showing up at their best. I would love to give this gift to you, too. So if you want more details or know this is your next wardrobe investment, click here to get started!
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