Expressing Your Style In a Uniform and Whether or Not You Should Invest In Your “At-Home” Wardrobe


Welcome back to another Q&A Thursday episode! Today’s question comes from our dear friend, Inês. Her question is going to resonate with you in two possible ways.

First, if you have to wear a uniform to work and feel a little depressed about wearing the same thing every day. I’m going to share some ways to express your personal style even if you have a set uniform or dress code for work, so you can stop feeling bored and have more fun getting dressed every day!

And secondly, her question is going to hit home for you if you feel like it’s not worth investing in your wardrobe when you’re mostly staying at home and hanging out with your kids on the weekends… or anytime during the week. Our lives have become way more casual in the last few years. What’s the point in getting dressed up or spending money on new clothes no one is going to see?

I’m breaking all of this down for you in today’s episode. And I think my answer might surprise you!

The Benefits of a Uniform

Today’s Q&A Thursday episode is SO good because we’re going to touch on a couple of different pain points a lot of women face when it comes to getting dressed and building a closet that they love. I received an email from our friend Inês recently and she asked, “I work with uniform hospital scrubs every day and sometimes I finish up using the same jeans the whole week. A bit depressing. And investing in fashion for the weekend with kids and staying home is not really worthy. Any tips for ladies in uniform?”

I want to start by taking a minute to pause on the benefits of having to wear a uniform for work.

I mean, number one, you have a lot less decisions to make in the day and the week. When you wear the same thing every day, it frees up brain space for you to be able to make other decisions better and faster. In fact, the late Steve Jobs was known to wear the same thing to work every day because it was one less decision he would have to make.

A lot of people do this now, by choice, because it really does make a difference. It also means less time and stress getting ready in the morning and less clothing you have to have in your wardrobe. When you’re cutting down the number of outfits you need for work, you can maintain a small, but better, wardrobe for your off-duty hours.

It’s so important to appreciate where you are. And I think there are some truly wonderful benefits to wearing a uniform for work!

What To Do If You’re Bored with Your Work Wardrobe

If you’re feeling bored with your work uniform, there’s a lot you can do to elevate your look and express yourself. The first thing is focusing on your accessories. Could you come up with a signature earring or some statement pieces, some different things that can amplify your personal style and make your uniform feel a little bit more your own? You can also get creative with your shoes.

Now, if you’re in a hospital setting, I understand that having a lot of bulky accessories and an extensive shoe collection might not be practical to your job. But there are other ways that you can do this as well. Consider the way you’re styling your hair and makeup. The way you put yourself together overall can say so much about who you are and how you want to show up. Style up your uniform and make it your own.

To kickstart your creative juices, take a peek at the various style mood boards on my Pinterest account. You should know what your style types are if you’ve taken my Free 5-Minute Personal Style Quiz.

You’ll see under Classic Style, for example, I have different sections of the board for accessories, hair, makeup, shoes, and all of the different elements that come together to create the overall look and feel for your wardrobe. Use those curated boards to see how you can bring in different pieces to amplify your style and have fun getting dressed even if you have to wear the same thing to work every day.

Don’t underestimate the power of the little details!

What To Wear After-Hours

If you get changed before you go home, you could also plan out a couple of different outfits for the week after work. I certainly understand it’s cost-effective and energy-saving to wear the same thing home every day and throw on that trusty pair of jeans. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! But if you want to mix it up and have a little bit more fun, set aside a few different outfits for the week.

Maybe on Sunday night or at the start of your work week, take a look at what you have going on after your shifts. If one night after work, you’re planning to meet your family or some friends for dinner, pull out a special top in one of your best colors. If you’re going home and planning to head right to bed after a long shift, you might want to slip into something soft and cozy for your commute home.

My goal is that you work to develop a wardrobe you love for every facet of your life based on your preferences and values. Some people put comfort first. Others crave luxury and things that are really elevated in style. Some people value creativity and uniqueness. Or you might prefer timelessness and having classic pieces that will last you the test of time. Whatever feels most important for you, that’s what I want you to focus on when you’re getting dressed and building out your wardrobe.

Even if you are just running from work to the comfort of your own home, you could develop a very minimal wardrobe of a few carefully chosen pieces you love, in your best colors, that fit you well, and that make you feel incredible… even if it’s 90% leggings and sweatpants!

Should You Invest In Your “At-Home” Wardrobe?

If you’re content with what you have in your closet right now, then I agree there is no point in wasting time and money on on up-leveling or further investing in your “at-home” wardrobe. Maybe there are more urgent needs or priorities for you right now. It might surprise you to hear me say that you don’t need to curate every aspect of your wardrobe if that doesn’t feel important for you. The ball is in your court and it’s up to you to decide what’s going to work best for you and your lifestyle.

Either way, you don’t need to invest a lot of money. I am a mom of a very messy, rough and tumble, five year-old boy, so I don’t wear expensive, highly fashionable pieces when I’m at home either. And the good news is we don’t have to! 👏🏼

But I’m still conscious when I am picking up new pieces for my wardrobe, no matter what area of my life it’s for, that I’m covering those foundations of style we talk about all the time. I’m making sure it’s in my signature style, the colors are flattering to me, and that it looks good on my figure. If you keep those three points in mind in each area of your life and your wardrobe, you’re going to be so much happier, even if you’re not spending a ton of time thoughtfully curating your entire closet.

Bottom line: Wearing a uniform by day frees up time for you to be more creative and intentional with your off-duty wardrobe!

Don’t underestimate the power your accessories, hairstyle, makeup, and shoes can make in bringing your whole look together. It really will say so much about who you are. And if you’re content with what you have, there’s no need to further invest in your “at-home” wardrobe. Have fun with what you have and always remember to incorporate your signature style, best colors, and most flattering fits into your outfits… even if you’re the only one who gets to see them. 😉

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