I have a super fun and quick Q&A Thursday episode for you today! Recently, I was talking with a dear friend of mine and the topic of personal style came up. She mentioned that she struggles to know what her style is because she likes so many different things!
This is a challenge I relate to wholeheartedly. In fact, I just confessed in the podcast interview with my client, Ashleigh, that a small part of me questions my own style every time I get to work with a new client! I love dialing in all different looks, I was a major style chameleon in my teens and early twenties. There are so many incredible styles to choose from, how can you possibly decide on one signature look?!
In today’s episode, I’m going to answer this question that plagues so many of us. When you’re confused about your style, it can stop you in your tracks from everything else we talk about here, from auditing your closet to shopping with intention. So this is a problem we need to solve.
Challenge accepted, my friend. Let’s get to it!
How To Choose Your Style
Up until now, you’ve likely based your signature style on your personal preferences alone. Of course, this is a critical component. Your style should be visually appealing to you. But that’s only one piece of the puzzle.
If you’re choosing your style based on looks alone, it’s bound to change from day to day. Instead, you also need to consider a few other factors like your personality, goals, lifestyle, career, and so on. In order for your wardrobe to work for your real life, it has to line up on a deeper level.
I created my Free 5-Minute Personal Style Quiz to help you go beyond visual appeal and find a unique blend of styles that compliment all aspects of your wardrobe from tastes to needs. Start here for some clear direction.
Why Your Style Matters
Whether you’re consciously cultivating your personal style or not, what you wear and how you present yourself is telling people – in the blink of an eye – a whole lot about who you are.
Think of the massive impact this has on growing your audience, signing new clients, making friends as an adult, and so on.
Your style personality and preferences also impact every other aspect of your wardrobe, from the colors (or lack thereof) that you wear to the way your clothing fits and the accessories you reach for (or wouldn’t be caught dead in).
Your signature style is the foundation on which everything else is built.
When your wardrobe feels all over the place, it’s going to be difficult to narrate a consistent story about who you are through your style. Remember, you have the power to make the right first impression. And by the “right” first impression, I mean an accurate one. The first step is figuring out what you want that story to be.
You Might Have a Creative Style
If settling on a consistent and cohesive style is a major challenge for you, then the truth is that you may have a Creative style.
Of all the 7 universal style types, Creative is the most undefined. Anything goes! This key style is original, artistic, and unabashedly unpredictable. So if you can’t seem to land on one style, perhaps this is why. Your #1 style type could be Creative! And if you want to convey your free-spirited, expressive, and experimental nature, then it makes sense to ride the wave of your ever changing style inspiration.
This can also be true for Dramatic style types, which are more risk-taking, fashion-forward, and trendsetting.
Reevaluate at the Start of Each Season
If you feel like your style tastes are changing or you’re being drawn to new things, you might have some confusion about how to define your style. That’s perfectly normal! As our lives evolve, our wardrobes often need to do the same.
I love to reevaluate my style at the start of each season. In fact, I go back and retake my own Personal Style Quiz at least twice per year to make sure the looks I’m drawn to still work for my everyday life, goals, personality, and preferences.
If you can’t settle on one style you love, it might be a signal that you’re in the middle of a transition. Revisit your style foundations as often as you need to keep your wardrobe working like a well-oiled machine.
Consider Trying a New Trend
No one wants to be stuck in a style rut! If you’re getting the itch to try something new, it might just be time to shake things up by adopting a seasonal trend (or two). When it’s in your budget, step outside the box and try incorporating a couple of new trends into your wardrobe, just for fun!
Celebrate Other People’s Style Choices Instead of Copying Them
Admiring someone else’s style doesn’t mean you need to adopt it as your own. This took me years to learn the hard way. As a style chameleon in my late teens and early 20s, my wardrobe was a mismatch of all the different styles I simply had to have. The problem? I ended up with a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear.
When you get distracted by what everyone else is doing or when you let your style envy get the best of you, you’ll struggle to put looks together from the vast range of pieces already lurking in your closet. (Unless, you have a penchant for offbeat and experimental outfits as we previously discussed!)
Worse? You’ll also struggle to feel like yourself.
Rather than copying every look you love, could you simply celebrate that person’s style instead? Can you appreciate it and then go back to what works for you? Evaluate whether it lines up with your desired style (and image), your body type, your personal colors, and the needs of your life. If it does, great! Put your newfound inspiration to use. If not, be true to the vision you have for your own closet and leave it where you found it.
Just because you love something doesn’t mean you have to have it. You can appreciate other people’s styles without deviating too far from your own. Put your blinders on if you need to, in order to make your own style and wardrobe feel more cohesive and functional.
If this style struggle feels familiar to you, you’re not alone.
I’ve been there, too, and I understand how hard it can be to land on a dialed-in look when you find beauty in them all! But if you want to feel more confident when getting dressed, then being crystal clear about your signature style is the first step to making that happen. I hope this has inspired you with ways to celebrate the endless variety of looks available to you while honing in on the visual and practical traits that will work best for you and your life. Until next time, friend!
➤ Free 5-Min Personal Style Quiz
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Related Episodes:
68 – Overcoming Comparisonitis and Finding Confidence In Your Style with Ashleigh Zustra
51 – Doubting Your Fashion Sense? 5 Tips To Help You Trust Your Own Style Intuition
18 – Who’s Influencing Your Style?
2 – 7 Personal Style Types and How To Find Your Signature Look
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